Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Posted on 9th August, 2024

August is National Wellness Month, a time dedicated to promoting self-care, stress management, and creating healthy routines. In honor of NWM, we asked our Director of Spa and Wellness, Christina Cabrera, to share her top tips for staying healthy all year with simple choices every day.

We’ve condensed Christina’s wisdom into a few digestible bits! From our Spa to your inbox, here are our top 5 tips for a healthy lifestyle:

Get A Good Start

Start your day with gratitude, whether that’s through affirmations, religious practice, or jotting down 10 things you’re grateful for today.

Starting our day off in a positive mindset will release endorphins, not only making you feel better, but positivity is contagious, and you will help those around you feel great as well!

Keep It Moving

Our bodies are not designed to be sedentary; find a physical activity that you genuinely enjoy, and, like Nike, just do it! 

Not everyone loves going to the gym, and that’s okay. Try swimming, biking, yoga, Pilates, dancing, working out from home via YouTube, playing with your kids or pets, etc. 

If all else fails, go for a walk around your neighborhood or a nearby green space. Walking is the easiest way to get moving. Ensure you are meeting your 10,000 steps per day as recommended by the CDC.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Hydration

Pay attention to your hydration; you should be consuming ½ your body weight in water each day! 

Enhance your water with fruits and find a favorite vessel that will encourage you to drink more. You can also help your hydration by eating more fruits and vegetables. 

Bonus: Proper hydration is vital for glowing skin!

Take the Time

Make healthy choices for your nutrition. Even if weight loss is not your goal, following a nutritious diet and ensuring you are consuming the nutrients you need from a balanced meal plan will boost your energy levels and improve your immune system.

Catch the Z’s

Make sure you are getting the proper rest to allow your mind and body to recover so you can wake up refreshed. Adults should aim for 7 or more hours of sleep every night. 

Check your own sleep habits against these quick facts:

    • Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. Plan your dinner a couple of hours before bed, and avoid sugars and caffeine. This allows your body time to digest your food so you won’t wake up at night with indigestion, acid reflux, or poor sleep quality.
    • Avoid blue light at bedtime: Try to stay away from electronics for 1 hour before going to bed, and create a restful environment. 
    • Keep your room cool, dark, and quiett. A darker room will enhance your melatonin production, upping your overall sleep quality. 

Hint: Cottage cheese with fresh berries is a great high-protein snack that will satisfy a sweet tooth if you like to nibble before bed!

Ready For A Reset?

These top 5 essential wellness tips for a healthy life, straight from our Director of Spa and Wellness, are made to be folded smoothly into your daily life.

For the ultimate reset, spend a night (or a few nights!) at La Quinta Resort & Club. With over 41 sparkling swimming pools, healthy dining options, a full menu of pampering treatments in our Spa, and more, there are tons of ways to unplug and unwind with us.