5 Ways to Improve Your Tennis Match by Kevin Connolly

Posted on 10th September, 2024

When it comes to tennis, there’s always room for improvement, whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out. Executive Tennis Director Kevin Connolly shares expert tips on how to take your game to the next level. From perfecting your serve to building endurance, Kevin’s insights are designed to help players refine their skills and elevate their performance.

1. Perfect Your Serve

A powerful serve is a game-changer, and according to Kevin, the key to a strong serve lies in balance, weight transfer, and a loose wrist—much like a baseball pitcher. This combination allows players to generate power without overexerting themselves. Consistency is just as important as power, and Kevin emphasizes the need for repetition and match play to refine this skill. “Test your consistency with percentages,” he advises, “like aiming to get 6 out of 10 first serves in, and track your progress.” To further improve, he recommends focusing on your serve’s trajectory. For a powerful serve, aim lower, closer to the top of the net; for a second serve, aim higher for safety and depth.

2. Master Footwork

Footwork is essential to keeping up with your opponent’s shots and maintaining balance. Kevin highlights the importance of efficient footwork, explaining that good movement helps players track down more balls and stay balanced while on the move. He suggests incorporating sand drills, which not only improve agility but also strengthen the legs. For those looking to correct common mistakes, Kevin warns against sprinting recklessly after every ball. “Focus on an efficient first step to get to the ball calmly and in control,” he says.

3. Develop a Strong Mental Game

Tennis is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. A strong mindset can make all the difference, especially in long, closely contested matches. Kevin advises players to stay positive and use breathing techniques to manage nerves. “Negative energy only fatigues you,” he notes, encouraging players to focus on the next point rather than dwelling on past mistakes. In high-pressure moments, keeping your mind on footwork and movement can have a calming effect and help you stay grounded.

4. Strategize Your Game Plan

When it comes to strategy, Kevin believes that knowing your opponent is key. “Even during warmup, test your opponent with different spins and pace to see what they struggle with,” he suggests. Adaptability is crucial—if your strategy isn’t working mid-match, don’t hesitate to switch things up. Patience is also vital, especially when selecting the right shot. “High-percentage shot selection is crucial, particularly at the start of a match,” Kevin explains, advising players to avoid risky shots until they’ve worked their way into the game.

5. Improve Your Stamina and Fitness

Endurance plays a huge role in tennis, and maintaining fitness off the court is essential for match stamina. Kevin recommends running 8-10 miles per week, as well as interval training and sand footwork drills to build endurance. During a match, recovery between sets is just as important. “Stay active and engaged during changeovers,” Kevin advises. Rather than sitting for too long, keep your posture active and fuel your body as needed. Staying mentally sharp between sets helps ensure that you’re ready for the next challenge.

Whether it’s your serve, footwork, or mental game, there are always ways to fine-tune your skills on the court. By following Kevin Connolly’s expert advice, you’ll be better equipped to take your tennis match to the next level.